
Photo Release - Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mt. Mayapay Rehabilitation Task Force (MMRTF)
Tree Planting Activity
Brgy. Nong-nong, Butuan City
May 28, 2009

Philippine Information Agency-Caraga cameraman Robespierre Tradio (wearing white polo shirt) is shown here signing the attendance sheet during the Mt. Mayapay Rehabilitation tree-planting activity held Thursday, May 28, 2009 in time with the 2009 National Flag Day celebration. (Gerie Mae G. Coco, PIA-Caraga)

Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)-Caraga Regional Executive Director Edilberto Buiser and staff are shown here hiking and heading towards the planting site during the Mt. Mayapay Rehabilitation tree-planting activity held Thursday, May 28, 2009 in time with the 2009 National Flag Day celebration. (Gerie Mae G. Coco, PIA-Caraga)

Shown in photo are the participants of the different regional line agencies and local government units hiking on the slope of Mt. Mayapay on their way to the planting site. The tree-planting activity is part of the 2009 National Flag Day Celebration on May 28, 2009. (Gerie Mae G. Coco, PIA-Caraga)

Shown in photo are the participants of the different regional line agencies planting tree seedlings of different species during the Mt. Mayapay Rehabilitation tree-planting activity held Thursday, May 28, 2009 in time with the 2009 National Flag Day celebration. (Gerie Mae G. Coco, PIA-Caraga). 

Photo shows the planting site of Mt. Mayapay where participants of the Mt. Mayapay Rehabilitation Task Force (MMRTF) took time in hiking for about two hours to show commitment in rehabilitating the highest peak in Butuan City and Agusan del Norte. The tree-planting activity is part of the 2009 National Flag Day Celebration on May 28, 2009. (Gerie Mae G. Coco, PIA-Caraga)

Regional Disaster Coordinating Council (RDCC) Caraga
5th Meeting – Updates on A H1N1
Department of Health (DOH)-Caraga Conference Room, Butuan City
June 1, 2009

Photo shows members of the Regional Disaster Coordinating Council (RDCC)-Caraga from the government line agencies, local government units, academe, and private sectors convene for its 5th RDCC Meeting highlighting the reports and updates on the Influenza A(H1N1) virus, held on Monday, June 1, 2009 at the Department of Health (DOH) Caraga Conference Room, Butuan City. (Jennifer P. Gaitano, PIA-Caraga) 

Lorene Catedral (left), Regional Disaster Coordinating Council (RDCC) Focal Person of the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) Caraga acknowledges the presence of the representatives from the government line agencies, local government units, academe, and private sectors during the 5th RDCC Meeting held on Monday, June 1, 2009 at the Department of Health (DOH) Caraga Conference Room, Butuan City. (Jennifer P. Gaitano, PIA-Caraga) 

Department of Health (DOH) Caraga Regional Director Leonita Gorgolon, de-facto chair of the Regional Disaster Coordinating Council (RDCC) gives the agenda of the 5th RDCC-Caraga Meeting for its members to discuss, where one of the agenda is the presentation of the ten (10) Interim Guidelines issued by DOH for hotels and schools, held on Monday, June 1, 2009 at the Department of Health (DOH) Caraga Conference Room, Butuan City. (Jennifer P. Gaitano, PIA-Caraga) 

Dr. Gerna Manatad (right), Medical Officer IV and Head of the Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (RESU) of the Department of Health (DOH)-Caraga informs the council that so far in Caraga region, there were four cases under observation (CUO) where three of it were confined on May 22, 2009, discharged on May 26, 2009 and was found negative of A(H1N1). Meanwhile, the other one who was admitted on May 30, 2009 was under observation and waiting for lab result. This was held on Monday, June 1, 2009 during the 5th Reional Disaster Coordinating Council (RDCC) Caraga Meeting at DOH-Caraga Conference Room, Butuan City. (Jennifer P. Gaitano, PIA-Caraga)

Dr. Gerna Manatad (right), Medical Officer IV and Head of the Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (RESU) of the Department of Health (DOH)-Caraga reiterates to the council the activities that were conducted per province relating to Influenza A(H1N1) monitoring and surveillance activities, held on Monday, June 1, 2009 during the 5th Regional Disaster Coordinating Council (RDCC) Caraga Meeting at DOH-Caraga Conference Room, Butuan City. (Jennifer P. Gaitano, PIA-Caraga)