
True Love Waits (TLW) Philippines Incorporated: PRESS CONFERENCE held at SJIT Multi-media center, Butuan City on July 10, 2010

Photo shows (from left to right) Mr. Rodil Bacomo, a former member of the Student Council in Timber City Academy in Butuan City and is also a volunteer of True Love Waits (TLW) Philippines Incorporated; Mr. Derek Ross, TLW National Director; Ms. Angela Andaya (daughter) and Ms. Rosa Bernadette “Odette” Andaya (mother), TLW volunteers; and Mr. Franco Ferrer, TLW National Training Coordinator as the panelists during the press conference held recently at Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT) Multi-Media Center, Butuan City. (PIA-Caraga)

True Love Waits (TLW) Philippines Incorporated National Director - Mr. Derek Ross discusses the objectives of TLW. He said that TLW Philippines Inc., aims to connect the youth to God and His plan for purity. The focus and thrust of the organization is Teaching Purity of Relationships to the future leaders and the lessons being taught in small group settings give students the right answers to today’s tough questions that the youth are facing, during the press conference held recently at Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT) Multi-Media Center, Butuan City. (PIA-Caraga)

Students from various schools, teachers, representatives from the government line agencies, and tri-media are shown here during the press conference of the True Love Waits Philippines Incorporated held recently at Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT) Multi-Media Center, Butuan City. (PIA-Caraga)

Some members of the local tri-media are shown here asking several questions to the panelists, during the press conference of the True Love Waits Philippines Incorporated held recently at Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT) Multi-Media Center, Butuan City. (PIA-Caraga)

Photo shows Ms. Rosa Bernadette “Odette” Andaya (2nd from right), a volunteer of the True Love Waits Philippines Incorporated emphasizing the roles and responsibilities of the parents with the teachers while their children are growing in school and at home, held recently at Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT) Multi-Media Center, Butuan City. (PIA-Caraga)

Mr. Rodil Bacomo, a former member of the Student Council of Timber City Academy in Butuan City and and Ms. Angela Andaya, both volunteers of True Love Waits (TLW) Philippines Incorporated, share their insights on how they affect other people’s lives as TLW volunteers, held recently at Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT) Multi-Media Center, Butuan City. (PIA-Caraga)

True Love Waits (TLW) Philippines National Training Coordinator Mr. Franco Ferrer, tackles the various activities accomplished by TLW in different areas of the country. He also stresses that the purpose of the organization is to guide young people to make a commitment to sexual purity until marriage; give young people who made a commitment to abstinence a chance to reaffirm that promise and challenge other young people to do so, held recently at Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT) Multi-Media Center, Butuan City. (PIA-Caraga)

Butuan City Mayor Hon. Ferdinand M. Amante Jr. emphasizes that the local government of Butuan is very willing to get in partnership with the True Love Waits (TLW) Philippines Incorporated and encourages everyone to be part of the endeavor, held recently at Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT) Multi-Media Center, Butuan City. (PIA-Caraga)