
PMEG-PGAS chart monitoring on activities for road projects

Members of the newly-created Provincial Monitoring and Evaluation Group of the Provincial Government of Agusan del Sur (PMEG-PGAS) chart monitoring their activities for road projects during its first meeting session held recently at the provincial capitol in Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur. Agusan del Sur is one the seven provinces assisted by the Provincial Roads Management Facility (PRMF). The PRMF is a five-year (2009–2014) A$100-million initiative of the governments of the Philippines and Australia that aims to spur economic activity in the southern Philippines and make infrastructure and social services in the region more accessible to the public. Through PRMF, the Australian Government is working with the Philippine Government to rehabilitate and maintain core road networks in the Visayas and Mindanao. Partner provincial governments are also being assisted to address and overcome constraints on road network planning and management. (Leah Bugtay/PIA-Caraga)