402nd Brigade, 4ID Philippine Army Presscon - April 20, 2011, Camp Bancasi, Butuan City
Col. Rodrigo Diapana, Commanding Officer of the 402nd Infantry Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Philippine Army(in fatigue uniform) presented to PIA-Caraga OIC-Regional Director Abner Caga (in black polo shirt), Franklin Caliguid of the Philippine Daily Inquirer (in red checkered polo) and PIA-Caraga cameraman Robespierre Tradio (red polo shirt) the personnel landmines and other NPA paraphernalia which his troop has recovered in an encounter with NPAs on April 1, 2011 at Sitio Hebron, Brgy. New Tubigon, Sibagat, Agusan del Sur. (PIA-Caraga)
Photos show the home-made personnel landmines and other paraphernalia recovered by troops of the 402nd Infantry Brigade, 4th Infantry Division headed by Col. Rodrigo Diapana in an encounter with NPAs on April 1, 2011 at Sitio Hebron, Brgy. New Tubigon, Sibagat, Agusan del Sur, resulting to the capture of an NPA top official and his two comrades. (PIA-Caraga)
Tatay Julieto alias Commander Boom, Secretary and Finance officer of Guerilla Front 21-B (center) is presented to the local tri-media of Butuan City on Wednesday, April 20 who was captured along with his two comrades by troops of the 402nd Infantry Brigade, 4th Infantry Division headed by Col. Rodrigo Diapana (left) in an encounter with NPAs on April 1, 2011 at Sitio Hebron, Brgy. New Tubigon, Sibagat, Agusan del Sur. Also in photo is Col. Efrain Oropel, Camp Bancasi Commander. (PIA-Caraga)
Members of the local tri-media are shown here during the press conferece held on Wednesday, April 20 where a top official of Guerilla Front 21-B of the New People’s Army was presented by troops of the 402nd Infantry Brigade, 4th Infantry Division headed by Col. Rodrigo Diapana. Tatay Julieto alias Commander Boom was captured in an encounter with NPAs on April 1, 2011 at Sitio Hebron, Brgy. New Tubigon, Sibagat, Agusan del Sur along with his two comrades. The presscon was facilitated by PIA-Caraga through the request of the Philippine Army. (PIA-Caraga)