Regional Development Council - Development Administration Committee (RDC-DAC) Meeting in Butuan City
Member-agencies of the Regional Development Council - Development Administration Committee (RDC-DAC) with chairperson and Butuan City Mayor Ferdinand Amante Jr tackle issues and concerns. Part of the agenda discussed are the following: Interest of the Natl Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) to become a Non-Voting member of RDC; RDC 5 Resolution No. 19 series of 2011 Requesting the Office of the Pres. not to revive the requirement of Anti-Carnapping clearance when shipping vehicles on Inter-island vessels, during its meeting held recently at the Grand Palace Restaurant. (PIA-Caraga)
Butuan City Mayor Ferdinand Amante Jr. (extreme left with mic), chairperson of the Regional Development Council - Development Administration Committee (RDC-DAC) presents the Updates on the Convergence Planning and Harmonization Workshop of Butuan City for CY 2011-2013, during its meeting held recently at the Grand Palace Restaurant. He stressed that the main objective of said convergence workshop is to develop technically and financially sound annual investment plans maximizing the resources of the different stakeholders in a transparent & participatory system. (PIA-Caraga)